Bus drop off and parking information
Schools arriving via bus will drop students off on the south side of the Busch Student Center along Laclede Avenue (east side of Grand). Buses can go down to toward the end of the street and turn around in the service alley between Monsanto Hall and Herman Stadium then come back up to the area on the right to drop off students at the BSC. If there is a SLU shuttle there, they will need to wait their turn. Buses will park in the Fordham parking lot at Reinert Hall (303 South Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63103). There is a sliding gate across the parking entrance that should be open. But if not, ask the desk attendant at Reinert Hall to open it for you.
Schools arriving via bus will drop students off on the south side of the Busch Student Center along Laclede Avenue (east side of Grand). Buses can go down to toward the end of the street and turn around in the service alley between Monsanto Hall and Herman Stadium then come back up to the area on the right to drop off students at the BSC. If there is a SLU shuttle there, they will need to wait their turn.
Buses will park in the Fordham parking lot at Reinert Hall (303 South Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63103). There is a sliding gate across the parking entrance that should be open. But if not, ask the desk attendant at Reinert Hall to open it for you.
Parking for speakers and advisers in personal cars on conference day will be available in the Laclede Garage on Laclede Ave. Take a ticket as you enter the gate. Parking passes to present to the attendant with your ticket are available for pickup from the speaker check-in desk. Because of a limited number of passes, we cannot guarantee passes for students who drive personal vehicles.