journalismSTL Student Contests

Overall Yearbook entries were due in person at Dec. 9, 2015 at 5 p.m. at Granite City Brewery or postmarked by Dec. 4.

Overall broadcast; news and online; theme development and all individual contest submissions are due Jan. 13, 2016, at 11:59 p.m.

Each member publication can submit nine individual contest entries total per medium with a maximum of three entries from each category.

Judges will award the following at their discretion and when applicable to each category:

  • One Best of Show
  • Superior
  • Excellent
  • Honorable Mention

Any student on the staff of a journalismSTL member publication is eligible to enter these contests. All submissions must be journalistic in nature. Entries will be judged by experienced JEA members. Schools and winners will be notified at the journalismSTL conference.


  • Overall Broadcast: $30
  • Overall Online: $30
  • Overall News: $30
  • Overall Yearbook: $35
  • Theme Development: $5
  • All individual contests: $5

Before you submit, organize your entries HERE.

Student contests will be available in the following categories:


  • Overall Broadcast: Submit the URL of one complete episode.
  • Overall Online: Provide the URL of your publication.
  • Overall Newspaper/Newsmagazine (ON): Submit two issues from the spring semester of 2014-2015 school year through the fall semester of the 2015-2016 school year. All entries will be submitted via PDF. Each issue must be its own file. All entries must use the file name: [category code] [school name] [entry #]: i.e., ON Eureka 1.
  • Overall Yearbook: Mail your 2015 yearbook by Dec. 4 or hand deliver to the Dec. 9 journalismSTL meeting.
  • Yearbook Theme Development (YTD): Submit the theme pages from your school’s published  2015 yearbook. Include PDFs of the cover, front endsheet, title page, one opening spread and one divider. All entries will be submitted via PDF. All documents must be combined into one file. All entries must use the file name: [category code] [school name]: i.e., OTD Eureka.

INDIVIDUAL BROADCAST (All entries should be from the spring semester of 2014-2015 school year through the fall semester of the 2015-2016 school year.)

Each member publication can submit NINE individual contest entries total per medium with a maximum of THREE entries from each category. 

All contests will be submitted URL.

Submit each form only once.

  • Feature Category (IBF): Submit one published story that is an in-depth look at a relevant issue/person. Stories should be no longer than two minutes.
  • News Category (IBN): Submit one published story that covers a timely event. Stories should be no longer than two minutes.
  • Sports Category (IBS): This published story could be sports feature or sports news story, including advance or post-game coverage. Stories should be no longer than two minutes.
  • PSA/Commercial Category (IBPC): Submit a public service announcement or commercial. Stories should be no longer than one minute.
  • Special Projects Category (IBSP): This category encompasses all the other types of student or team work including documentaries, video blogs, multimedia packages, monthly/weekly show, etc. Stories should be no longer than three minutes.

INDIVIDUAL NEWS (All entries should be from the spring semester of 2014-2015 school year through the fall semester of the 2015-2016 school year.)

Each member publication can submit NINE individual contest entries total per medium with a maximum of THREE entries from each category. 

All contests will be submitted via PDF, JPG or URL. All entries must use the file name: [category code] [school name] [entry #] [artwork/story/design name]: i.e., INA Eureka 1 smoking infographic.

Submit each form only once.


  • For this category, submit the page on which an editorial cartoon, illustration, informational graphic or photo illustration appears. Be sure to name the artwork in the entry file name.



INDIVIDUAL PHOTO (All entries should be from the spring semester of 2014-2015 school year through the fall semester of the 2015-2016 school year.)

Each member publication can submit NINE individual contest entries total per medium with a maximum of THREE entries from each category. 

All photos need to be submitted as JPGs using the file name: [category code] [school name] [entry #]: i.e., IBF Eureka 1.

Photos must be submitted as JPGs that…

  • have both the author and description and caption metadata
  • are less than 1MB each and
  • are accompanied by PDF of story/page/spread or the URL on which photo appeared.

Submit each form only once.

  • Feature Category (IPF): Submit a published photo with human interest with emphasis on people in their environment.
  • News Category (IPN): Submit a published photo which is a non-portrait, non-sports photos based on on-the-spot coverage of an event that has news value and timeliness.
  • Portrait Category (IPP): Submit a published photo of the subject of a story in a unique way that captures the subject’s personality.
  • Sports Category (IPS): Submit a published photo that captures the action and emotion of a sporting event.


Each member publication can submit NINE individual contest entries total per medium with a maximum of THREE entries from each category. 

Submit the pages published in your school’s 2015 yearbook.

All contests will be submitted via PDF. All entries must use the file name: [category code] [school name] [entry #]: i.e., IYCF Eureka 1

Submit each form only once.


  • For this category, submit the page on which an editorial cartoon, illustration, informational graphic or photo illustration appears. Be sure to name the artwork on the submission form.


  • Feature Copy Category (IYCF): Submit a written story that emphasizes the human element behind an event or person and/or gives background through interpretation or explanation with extensive research.
  • Sports Feature Category (IYCS): Submit copy that covers any topic that spotlights an unusual aspect of an event, a coach, a player or any controversy.