Serving advisers and students for over 50 years


Serving advisers and students for over 50 years


Serving advisers and students for over 50 years


journalismSTL Bylaws

Article I: Name of Organization

The name of this organization shall be journalismSTL (formerly SSP – Sponsors of School Publications).

Article II: Purpose of the Organization

journalismSTL exists to protect and enhance scholastic journalism education in the St. Louis area.

Article III: Membership

Section 1: Eligibility

journalismSTL shall have individual teacher/adviser memberships.

  1. Teacher/adviser members shall be (1) media advisers and educators of public, private and parochial schools, community colleges, schools or departments of journalism in universities or teachers’ colleges; (2) emeritus teachers/advisers unless their primary employment involves sales and services to schools.
  2. Associate members shall be professionals involved in scholastic journalism not otherwise defined in this section.

Section 2: Dues

The board of directors, by a majority vote, shall have the authority to set annual dues for each membership category. Non-payment of dues or other charges may be grounds for suspension of any member. Membership covers one academic calendar year until June of that academic year.

Article IV: Board of Directors

Voting members of the board of directors shall consist of the president(s), vice president and treasurer.

Section 1: Officers

Officers of the association shall consist of the president, vice president and treasurer.

  1. The president shall preside at all meetings and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the board of directors are put into effect. The president shall supervise the board of directors in the implementation of general policies.
  2. The vice president shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned by the president and/or the board of directors, including the organizing of the annual conference. In the absence or disability of the president, the vice president shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president.

Article V: Elections, Appointments and Removals

Section 1: Elections

The president, vice president and directors shall be elected to two-year terms and shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same capacity. After two consecutive terms, the individual may run again for a different office or for the same office again after one term. Appointed positions are two-year commitments with no term limits.

To qualify for an office, a candidate must be a teacher/adviser member in good standing and be proposed by the nominations committee or be placed in nomination by any voting member at the general membership meeting when the slate is offered. Terms of office will begin May 1 of each election year.

Voting members are teachers/advisers as defined in Article III, Section 1, current as of the annual conference date. The election will take place over a 10-day period in March immediately following the conference.

  1. The general membership shall elect the president, vice president and treasurer.
  2. Members of the board of directors shall name a secretary after May 1 of each election year. The secretary need not be an elected member of the board of directors and will not vote nor be considered an organization officer if not a member of the board. The secretary shall keep an accurate record of all regular general information and board meetings and shall perform such additional duties as are incident to the position and any other duties the president and/or board of directors may assign.

Section 2: Office Vacancies

In case of death or resignation, inability to perform the functions of a board member, or disqualification from the board, the president shall appoint a new board member. A vacancy of a position must be filled by a qualified candidate as specified in Article V, Section 1. The appointment of the board member-designate shall be of such length as to fill the remainder of the unfulfilled board term. Should the office of the president be vacated by death, resignation, removal or otherwise, the vice president shall assume the position unless he/she is unable to do so then the immediate past president shall do so.

A member of the board of directors may step down at any time with a written letter of resignation to the president.

Section 3: Removal from Office

All officers and directors of the association may be removed or suspended for cause at any time by a two-thirds vote of the board of directors. Appointees of the president may be removed by her or him at any time or by a two-thirds vote of the board of directors.

Article VI Meetings

Section 1: Board Meetings

The board shall meet at least once quarterly at such time and place as designated by the board. A quorum for the board of directors shall consist of a simple majority of the board.

  1. The board will give 72-hour notice of any meeting.

Section 2: General Membership Meetings

  1. A general membership meeting shall be held monthly during the academic year and is open to all.
  2. All regular journalismSTL members attending a general membership meeting shall each have one vote. A vote on non-budgetary items may be called for by the president either by voice, show of hands or ballot. Budgetary motions made at the general membership meeting must be approved by the board of directors.

Section 3: Virtual Meetings

The board may conduct virtual meetings. The president will determine the length and manner of virtual meetings. Asynchronous virtual meetings may be called only by the president, who will establish rules concerning the time and manner of the discussion and voting. The board will discuss the motion for the predetermined and limited length of time, after which the motion cannot be amended. Motions introduced at asynchronous virtual meetings can be passed only with approval of two-thirds of the board.

Article VII: Committees, Liaisons and Editors

Terms of office for all the following commence May 1 of each election year. They are appointed and can be removed by the president for due cause. All committee members, liaisons and editors must be journalismSTL members in good standing.

Section 1: Standing Committees

Standing committees shall be determined as needed. Standing committee chairs are appointed by and responsible to the president. The president shall select the committee chair and may select committee members or delegate the responsibility to the chair.

Section 2: Special Committees

Special committees may be appointed by the president and do not require approval of the board of directors. Such committees shall be directly responsible to the president or his or her designee. The president shall select the committee chair and may select committee members or delegate the responsibility to the chair. Subcommittees may be appointed by any board member and shall be directly responsible to that board member and do not require board approval.

Section 3: Liaisons

Liaisons may be appointed by the president to create a link between journalismSTL and other organizations. Such liaisons shall be directly responsible to the president and do not require approval of the board of directors.

Article IV: Rules of Order

The president shall be allowed to speak to and vote on all motions. All other rules shall be those contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, most recent copyrighted edition.

Article X: Bylaw Amendment

These bylaws may be amended or new bylaws may be adopted by a majority vote of the board of directors at any meeting. A 10-day notice must be given to the board of specifically worded changes desired, unless the vote by the board is unanimous to approve a change. No action shall be taken that would in any way adversely affect the association’s qualifications under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any successor thereto.